Student Repair Café

Where? AKK (Engesserstraße 17, 76131 Karlsruhe)

When? On the 1st Monday of every month from 6 pm .

Who? Everyone, if student or not, is very welcome! No prior expertise is required.

What? We offer free help to fix your device or garment! We have tools and some supplies to fix most electronics and sewing problems. What we can help with ranges all the way from electrical devices like your vacuum cleaner or fan to electronics like computers and phones, as well as from holes in your jeans to ripped seams on your jacket.


How? We would appreciate it if you would send us a short mail to describing your problem in advance, so we can prepare and potentially bring the appropriate tools. It is also fine if you just drop by unannounced, though.

Please bring your thing, including everything to reproduce the problem like accessories, power supplies, control units as well as any documentation. If you know what kind of supplies or replacement parts are needed, please bring those as well. If you are coming with a garment feel free to bring any fabric for patches.

Once you are here you will be guided through the entire repair process by one of our experienced repairers. Don't worry, you do not need any prior skills. If there are any individual steps in the process that are too difficult for you, we will jump in and do them. The goal is however that you not only get something fixed, but also learn how to take matters into your own hands and do your own repairs


Helpers! To help us with offering this, we are looking for experienced DIY enthusiasts who would like to help others with repairs and may have access to special tools. If you are interested, please contact directly.

Why? Repairing is not only cheaper and more sustainable than buying new, it's also more fun! That is why we, the Sustainable Transformation Working Group (Arbeitskreis Nachhaltige Transformation), are starting this repair café together with the AKK.

Your Sustainable Transformation Working Group (AK Nachhaltige Transformation (ANT))

PS: By the way! There is a Workshop and a Photo Laboratory with plenty other tools for further self-repairing/ DIY-projects with wood, metal etc., you can book through the AStA (: