Informationen über Unterkunftssuche in Karlsruhe (Information about how to find an accommodation in Karlsruhe)
Karlsruhe has about 316,000 inhabitants and over 45,000 students at 8 universities, so it is not easy to find a room or an apartment. There are four ways to find an accommodation:
- list of all residence halls of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe:
19 residence halls
It usually takes a long time to get accommodation
Furnished and unfurnished
- Private dormitories:
Furnished and unfurnished
It usually does not take long to get an accommodation like at the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe
Some are cheap and some expensive
Name |
Homepage |
Hans Freudenberg-Kolleg |
Hermann-Ehlers-Kolleg | |
Hans-Dickmann-Kolleg |
Domus7 (ehem. Karl-Hans-Albrecht-Haus) |
Kolleg am Ring, ehem. Schwesternwohnheim |
Evangelisches Studentinnen-Wohnheim (NUR für Studentinnen) |
Studentenwohnheim Hans-Wolfgang-Heidland-Haus |
Familienheim Karlsruhe eG |
Youniq | |
- Private room, apartment or shared flat:
normally expensive, but easy to get
Search online: e.g.
Private advertisements are located in the basement floor of the student house
(Adenauerring 7) -
Advertisements in newspapers: e.g.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten (BNN)
Der Kurier
- Emergency accommodation:
- Asta Emergency accommodation::
- Jugendherberge Karlsruhe:
- Airbnb:
Quellen: Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, Private Recherche vom Referat für Internationales